October 26, 2018

Stormbreaker | Marvel Cinematic Universe |

Stormbreaker | Marvel Cinematic Universe |


Stormbreaker is one of the most powerful weapon in the MCU.which is owned by Thor who is God of thunder and son of Odin.Eitri claimed that this is the strongest weapon in the history of asgard.In theory it can destroy the bifrost.

Due to its increased size and mass, having both the blade of an axe and the head of a hammer in its construction, as well as an sported elongated handle enabling the weapon to be wielded with two-hand, it is notibly a more potent weapon then majolnir.

It's made by Eitri(Dwarf king) from the heart of a dying star at nidavellir.It's handle is made by small groot because Eitri don't have enough material to make it as Thor didn't open the forge for long time or the white dwarf is rest in closed.
  • It can absorbs any type of power.
  • It is able to open and destroy bifrost.
  • It can change the owners clothes to battle form.
  • It can reflect any type of power, maximize it, minimize it.
  • It is also able to control the climate.
  • It can kill or harm any powerful person whatever he is thanos or someone else.
  • Stormbreaker is able to focus and enhance Thor's power.
  • This weapon is indestructible and able to withstand energy blasts created by infinity stones
  • It is also able to channel dimensional energy and act as a bifrost bridge,which enabled Thor to teleport himself,rocket and Groot to Wanda.


  • Like Mjølnir , Stormbreaker will return to Thor's hand when summoned, and strikes his opponents with massive force. 
  • It glows with a blue flame that crackles with electricity, and seems to have the ability to home in on a target if Thor wills it.
  •  In addition, the weapon allows the user to fly consistently while using it, unlike Mjølnir, which required the user to spin it at great speed to lift them off the ground.
  • It's so powerful that when it charged with Thor's full power,it was capable of overtaking the complete infinity gauntlet.

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