December 07, 2018

Next Villian After Thanos

   Who is able to withstand in front of avengers.
There is one who is able to withstand in front of avengers. Each villain was progressively tougher.

First Loki<then Ultron < Thanos.
Who is tougher and impressive than the Mad titan in the MCU.

 This Guy,

The world eater known as Galactus.
Without the gauntlet Thanos couldn't dare to face a fully fed Galactus.

Galactus was originally a common man an explorer named as Galan of Taa. He lived in an old universe before this one was created. A universe which is about to die.

The planet Taa existed in the universe before the big bang.

The theory is that each universe has a big bang and the planets stars' galaxies outwards away from the point of the big bang but after trillions of years, the expansion slows down and the galaxies planets reverse back to a common point and this is called big crunch. After a big crunch the universe doesn’t exist for a while then Bang, another big bang happens and a new Universe is born

Galan, did not die when the big crunch happened to his universe. He and others left planet Taa on space ships and when the Big Crunch consumed his ship he bonded with the Sentience of the Universe he changed and gestated for billions of years in an egg made of the debris of his ship formed after the big bang. He emerged as Galactus,

Starving, Galactus consumed the life energy of the nearest planet, the planet Archeopia

When he approaching the planet of Zenn-La, Galactus accepts the offer of Norrin Radd to become his herald, the silver surfer, in exchange for sparing his world.

Galactus is considered a cosmic level threat and he have many awesome powers like...

  • He wields the cosmic powers and can bestow it unto others.

  • He has cosmic consciousness, just a level below omniscience.

  • He is capable of destroying multiple solar system at the same time.

  • He can recreate dead planets exactly down to the very same flora and fauna.

  • He can resurrect and manipulate souls.

  • Teleport and create interdimensional portals.

  • He can create life and bestow great power upon others

  • He has the usual gamut of, telepathy, telekinesis, energy projection, size alteration (he can change his height from giant to skyscraper to moon size) transmutation of matter (I guess changing flesh into silver or poop into platinum).

If Marvel Bosses are progressively more difficult, then the logical next boss after Thanos is Galactus.

*It was bought my attention that Fox owns the rights of Galactus, so we might never see him in the MCU. But Good news is that, Disney bought Fox in 2017 for 52.8 billion dollars. The MCU can have Galactus. YAYYYYYY

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